
Journal Articles

Achbari, W., B. Geys, and B. Doosje. 2021. "Comparing the effect of cross-group friendship on generalized trust to its effect on prejudice: the mediating role of threat perceptions and negative affect." PLoS ONE 4(42): 1722. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0245983

Achbari, W., M. Gesthuizen, and J. Holm. 2018. "Ethnic diversity and generalized trust: testing the contact hypothesis in Dutch voluntary organizations." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 47(4):813-835. doi:10.1177/0899764018764328

Achbari, W. 2015. "Bridging and bonding ethnic ties in voluntary organizations: a multilevel "schools of democracy" model." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41(14): 2291-2313. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2015.1053851

Achbari, W. 2015. "Back to the future: revisiting the contact hypothesis at Turkish and mixed non-profit organizations in Amsterdam." Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(1): 158-175. doi:10.1080/01419870.2013.826811

Van den Bos, M. and W. Achbari, W. 2007. "Cultural migration: networks of Iranian organizations in the Netherlands." Migration Letters 4(2): 171-181. doi:10.33182/ml.v4i2.219


Achbari, W. 2016. "The paradox of diversity: why does interethnic contact in voluntary organizations not lead to generalized trust?" International Migration Integration and Social Cohesion network (IMISCOE) Research Series. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing.

Research Report

Achbari, W. and L. Leerkes. 2017. "Van Perceptie naar feit: Asielzoekers en buurtcriminaliteit [From perceptions to facts: asylum seekers and neighbourhood crime]." Research and Documentation Centre, Ministry of Justice and Security. The Hague, The Netherlands.


Achbari, W. and K. Garic. 2021. "Open Road's SOS Bus in Colchester: An Impact Report." Business and Local Government Data Research Centre, University of Essex. Colchester, England.

Achbari, W. 2016. "Institutionalizing Islam in the Netherlands: a historical overview of the 1990s." invited contribution. Groniek 208/209.

Achbari, W. 2004. "Modern Iran: een [a] paradox? Boekbespreking van [Review of] Ansari, Ali M. Modern Iran since 1921: the Pahlavis and after." Sharqiyyat 16(2): 127-129.